
Thank you for joining us for our 51st season. We look forward to seeing you in 2025, something spooky is afoot . . .
2024 Season
In the City of Downtown Uptown Heights, the trade of gum dictates confectionary sales, crime and power. The citizens live in constant fear of the constant struggle between The Spearmint Syndicate and the local authorities. But when a secret mastermind bursts onto the scene and blows the whole operation inside out; it’s anyone’s game. Will the bumbling cops come out on top? Will the workers of the local dock actually do anything? Will the speakeasy maintain its reputation as a reputable business? Find out, when Scouts Shouts Youth Theatre hits the stage for its 51st season in 2024.
This year the young directors have come up with items under the theme Video Games! Each of them have come up with singing, choreography and scripts for their items! They have consulted with the shows technical HODs to share their concepts and they have come up with sets, costumes, props, audio, lighting effects and much more!
They run their own rehearsal blocks to direct the cast to make the item come to life!We are so proud of everything they have achieved this year and can’t wait to show off all their hard work in the second half of the show in October- Level up!
Click here for ticket information and bookings
The box office is open and we look forward to seeing you at one of our performances:
Wednesday 16 October 7.30pm
Thursday 17 October 7.30pm
Friday 18 October 7.30pm
Saturday 19 October 1.30pm and 7.30pm
Click here for ticket information and bookings

About Us
Scouts Shouts Youth Theatre’s main goal is to train youth members in all areas of the theatre and performing arts. All our cast are members of the Scout and Guide Associations in South Australia and are under the age of 26, with an interest in theatre and who want to learn the craft. In addition to giving cast the experience of being on stage, we are also a training ground for people who have an interest in the backstage areas of a performance, such as set design and construction, audio, makeup, costumes and lighting. Many of these positions are led by people under 26, under the guidance of experienced mentors.
Scouts Shouts is a not for profit organisation, run by volunteers. Our production consists of two acts, the first which is created and written by a team of writers to produce an original production each year. The second act is a variety style of show, conceived, written and directed by our youth members in the Young Directors program.
The Young Directors program is the opportunity for any cast member to attend a weekend workshop, where after a theme is assigned, gang members brainstorm item ideas and concepts which are then developed. The successful items are then workshopped with the production team and the second half coordinator to put the second act together. The youth member is then given the opportunity to direct the cast and put their ideas to the crew members to make their vision come alive.
Many of our crew are former cast members. We have had several members of our gang who have gone on to be successful actors or gained employment as crew members within the entertainment industry around Australia.
We follow the principals of Scouting and Guiding in that we are youth focused and encourage leadership within our gang. We believe that Scouts Shouts Youth Theatre is a family and we share a common goal. Being a part of the gang means that you have made friendships that often last a life time.

In 1973 a young leader of the 1st Salisbury Group, David Ryder, had ambitions to take his scouts to the snow fields for a winter camp. David came up with a unique fund raising venture, a Group Gang Show. Armed with an abundance of Ralph Reader material, a rent free Scout Hall and a group of eager would be performers Scout Shouts was born.
The first performance was in the newly built 1st Salisbury Scout Hall and was directed by the now legendary Mike Linscott. His support crew included his wife Carole, Barry Plush, Ken Sandford, Alan Thompson and of course Dave Ryder. All this was carefully watched over by the then Group Leader Tug Wilson, who made sure that the show maintained the Scouting First ethos.

Our shows first few years didn't really have a venue to call home for performances. Having performed at the Levels and Salisbury institute, in 1981 the decision was made to perform at the Parks Community Centre in a "theatre in the round" format. The Parks was our home until 2013 when the theatre was closed as part of a major complex overhaul which saw us move to the Golden Grove Arts Centre for our 40th season.
The move to Golden Grove has allowed us to grow with a larger theatre, increased seating capacity, large stage floor and extra space back stage which gives us the flexibility to grow and further enhance the show. The last 40 years of the show has seen amazing growth, from the first show where 180 people crammed in the newly built scout hall for a two night season to our latest season with dramatically different capacity and facilities!
The format of the show has evolved over the years from the Ralph Reader Style of stage show to a style that made the most of the Parks amphitheatre stage and now the much larger yet still intimate Golden Grove stage. The two halves of the show allow for a fully produced play in one half and a second half that features a variety of themed items produced by our Young Director program.
In 1996, Scout Shouts left behind the Gang Show tag and officially become Scout Shouts Youth Theatre. Our success is the direct result the collaboration of Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and of course Guides working together to produce a very creative theatrical performance for over 40yrs.
Mike Linscott Award

Most Outstanding Cast Member
Every member of cast aspires to receive this award. To get it doesn’t just mean your turn up on time every rehearsal. It is for those that go above and beyond their expected duties.
The production team votes on the cast member that has shown themselves to be worthy after every rehearsal and at the end of the season the votes are tallied and the winner announced on opening night.
• 2022 Connor Pleasance
• 2021 Alice Dall
• 2019 Calista Bussenschutt
• 2018 Abby Wilkinson
• 2017 Matt Barnett
• 2016 Kaylin Chetty
• 2015 Sarah Wood
• 2014 Emily Williams
• 2013 Nathan Quadrio
• 2012 Colin Shepherd
In 2016, Mike Linscott was recognised as the Patron for Scouts Shouts Youth Theatre. As our first Director, it was Mike’s ideas and creative genius that made Scouts Shouts the show that it has become today. With support of his wife Carole and family, the Linscott family have been firm supporters of the show.

Alan Thompson Award

Most Outstanding Crew Member
Every member from every department of the Scouts Shouts Crew is eligible to receive this award.
Both cast and crew can vote with the winner announced during our show week.
• 2022 Leonie Wilkinson
• 2021 Chris Miller
• 2019 Peter Bruce
• 2018 Ali McLarty
• 2017 Leanne Wood
• 2016 Louise E
• 2015 Amanda Buetefuer
• 2014 Sue Gilbert
• 2013 Kari Lindsay
Contact Us
Please contact the relevant person below with any queries:
Post PO Box 447, Salisbury SA 5108ABC Scouts Shouts Youth Theatre
Lauren Mews abc.scoutsshouts@sa.scouts.com.au
Production Director
Daniel Mcadam daniel@scoutsshouts.org.au
Administration Director
Judith Crawford admin@scoutsshouts.org.au
Jacqui Wall scoutsshoutstickets@gmail.com or 0411 660 506